ComputeBoundingBox Method (rightToLeft, sideways)
NamespacesICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.RenderingFormattedTextRunComputeBoundingBox(Boolean, Boolean)
Gets the computed bounding box of the text object.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public override Rect ComputeBoundingBox(
	bool rightToLeft,
	bool sideways
Public Overrides Function ComputeBoundingBox ( _
	rightToLeft As Boolean, _
	sideways As Boolean _
) As Rect
virtual Rect ComputeBoundingBox(
	bool rightToLeft, 
	bool sideways
) override
rightToLeft (Boolean)
A Boolean value that determines if the text object is drawn from right to left.
sideways (Boolean)
A Boolean value that determines if the text object is drawn with its side parallel to the baseline.
Return Value
A Rect value that represents the bounding box size of the text object.

Assembly: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit (Module: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dll) Version: