Notification when the highlighter detects that the highlighting state at the
beginning of the specified lines has changed.
fromLineNumber and toLineNumber are both inclusive;
the common case of a single-line change is represented by fromLineNumber == toLineNumber.
During highlighting, the highlighting of line X will cause this event to be raised
for line X+1 if the highlighting state at the end of line X has changed from its previous state.
This event may also be raised outside of the highlighting process to signalize that
changes to external data (not the document text; but e.g. semantic information)
require a re-highlighting of the specified lines.

C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
event HighlightingStateChangedEventHandler HighlightingStateChanged
Event HighlightingStateChanged As HighlightingStateChangedEventHandler
event HighlightingStateChangedEventHandler^ HighlightingStateChanged { void add (HighlightingStateChangedEventHandler^ value); void remove (HighlightingStateChangedEventHandler^ value); }

For implementers: there is the requirement that, during highlighting,
if there was no state changed reported for the beginning of line X,
and there were no document changes between the start of line X and the start of line Y (with Y > X),
then this event must not be raised for any line between X and Y (inclusive).
Equal input state + unchanged line = Equal output state.
See the comment in the HighlightingColorizer.OnHighlightStateChanged implementation
for details about the requirements for a correct custom IHighlighter.
Outside of the highlighting process, this event can be raised without such restrictions.
Assembly: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit (Module: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dll) Version: