GetText Method (offset, length)
NamespacesICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.RenderingITextRunConstructionContextGetText(Int32, Int32)
Gets a piece of text from the document.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
StringSegment GetText(
	int offset,
	int length
Function GetText ( _
	offset As Integer, _
	length As Integer _
) As StringSegment
StringSegment GetText(
	int offset, 
	int length
offset (Int32)
length (Int32)
This method is allowed to return a larger string than requested. It does this by returning a StringSegment that describes the requested segment within the returned string. This method should be the preferred text access method in the text transformation pipeline, as it can avoid repeatedly allocating string instances for text within the same line.

Assembly: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit (Module: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dll) Version: