VisualLine Class
Represents a visual line in the document. A visual line usually corresponds to one DocumentLine, but it can span multiple lines if all but the first are collapsed.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public sealed class VisualLine
Public NotInheritable Class VisualLine
public ref class VisualLine sealed
All MembersMethodsProperties

Gets the document to which this VisualLine belongs.

Gets a read-only collection of line elements.

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the first document line displayed by this visual line.

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
GetNextCaretPosition(Int32, LogicalDirection, CaretPositioningMode, Boolean)
Gets the next possible caret position after visualColumn, or -1 if there is no caret position.

Gets the document offset (relative to the first line start) from a visual column.

Gets the text line containing the specified visual column.

GetTextLine(Int32, Boolean)
Gets the text line containing the specified visual column.

Gets a TextLine by the visual position.

Gets the start visual column from the specified text line.

GetTextLineVisualXPosition(TextLine, Int32)
Gets the distance to the left border of the text area of the specified visual column. The visual column must belong to the specified text line.

GetTextLineVisualYPosition(TextLine, VisualYPosition)
Gets the visual top from the specified text line.

Gets the text view position from the specified visual column.

GetTextViewPosition(Point, Boolean)
Gets the text view position from the specified visual position. If the position is within a character, it is rounded to the next character boundary.

GetTextViewPositionFloor(Point, Boolean)
Gets the text view position from the specified visual position. If the position is inside a character, the position in front of the character is returned.

Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the visual column from a document offset relative to the first line start.

Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document). If the user clicks between two visual columns, rounds to the nearest column.

GetVisualColumn(Point, Boolean)
Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document). If the user clicks between two visual columns, rounds to the nearest column.

GetVisualColumn(TextLine, Double, Boolean)
Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document). If the user clicks between two visual columns, rounds to the nearest column.

Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document). If the user clicks between two visual columns, returns the first of those columns.

GetVisualColumnFloor(Point, Boolean)
Gets the visual column from a document position (relative to top left of the document). If the user clicks between two visual columns, returns the first of those columns.

GetVisualPosition(Int32, VisualYPosition)
Gets the visual position from the specified visualColumn.

Gets the height of the visual line in device-independent pixels.

Gets whether the visual line was disposed.

Gets the last document line displayed by this visual line.

ReplaceElement(Int32, array<VisualLineElement>[]()[][])
Replaces the single element at elementIndex with the specified elements. The replacement operation must preserve the document length, but may change the visual length.

ReplaceElement(Int32, Int32, array<VisualLineElement>[]()[][])
Replaces count elements starting at elementIndex with the specified elements. The replacement operation must preserve the document length, but may change the visual length.

Gets the start offset of the VisualLine inside the document. This is equivalent to FirstDocumentLine.Offset.

Gets a read-only collection of text lines.

Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
ValidateVisualColumn(TextViewPosition, Boolean)
Validates the visual column and returns the correct one.

ValidateVisualColumn(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Validates the visual column and returns the correct one.

Length in visual line coordinates.

Length in visual line coordinates including the end of line marker, if TextEditorOptions.ShowEndOfLine is enabled.

Gets the Y position of the line. This is measured in device-independent pixels relative to the start of the document.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit (Module: ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.dll) Version: